Malla Curricular del Curso
Explain machine learning, and how algorithms and languages are used
Describe the purpose of Azure Machine Learning, and list the main features of Azure Machine Learning Studio
Upload and explore various types of data to Azure Machine Learning
Explore and use techniques to prepare datasets ready for use with Azure Machine Learning
Explore and use feature engineering and selection techniques on datasets that are to be used with Azure Machine Learning
Explore and use regression algorithms and neural networks with Azure Machine Learning
Explore and use classification and clustering algorithms with Azure Machine Learning
Use R and Python with Azure Machine Learning, and choose when to use a particular language
Explore and use hyperparameters and multiple algorithms and models, and be able to score and evaluate models
Explore how to provide end-users with Azure Machine Learning services, and how to share data generated from Azure Machine Learning models
Explore and use the Cognitive Services APIs for text and image processing, to create a recommendation application, and describe the use of neural networks with Azure Machine Learning
Explore and use HDInsight with Azure Machine Learning
Explore and use R and R Server with Azure Machine Learning, and explain how to deploy and configure SQL Server to support R services